Corporate Services
Proper financial planning for any size organization is key to success. A full assessment needs to be conducted, followed up with a carefully constructed plan and strategy. You also want to ensure you’re providing the very best for your employees in order to retain and attract great talent.
Young American Wealth Management can help you do that. Regardless of the size of your business, Young American WM can set you up for success with our extensive array of superior services and comprehensive knowledge and advice. We offer the following Corporate Financial Services:
Cash Management Planning
Corporate Cash Management Solutions
Cash Balance Plans
Retirement Plans
401k Plans
403b Plans
Corporate Financial Planning
Buy/Sell Agreements
Education/Training Seminars
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Solutions
Assistance Meeting ESG and CSR Requirements
Profit-Sharing Plans
Key Man Purchases
Employee Services
Understanding your employer’s financial options, as well as how to maximize income to best prepare for retirement, requires focus, due diligence and time. Young American WM helps you determine the best solution to meet your goals. We offer the following Employee Services:
401k and IRA Analysis & Advice
Pension Distribution Options – Lump Sum vs. Rollover
Stock Planning
Retirement Planning
Optimizing Social Security Decisions
Financial Education Programs
Integration of Company Plans with Personal Financial Plans
Preparation for Eventual Transition